How does your practice stack up?

As practices re-opened in the latter half of 2020 and re-bounded in early 2021, we had open and honest conversations with doctors and team members from hundreds of offices who called into our hotline, emailed us, or completed an Analysis with Burkhart. We recognize every office is different and has its own personality, including a unique blend of strengths and weaknesses.

However, there are ten characteristics we see in practically every highly successful office we have worked with over the years. These characteristics stand out even further in those practices experiencing robust growth. Because of our experience, we can almost guarantee some of these are a challenge in your practice. Improve in these areas and you will improve outcomes for your patients, your practice, your team, your profitability, and your enjoyment in 2021. And the best news? PST has specific, complimentary support and resources to help address all of these crucial components.


Use the scale below to indicate how each statement applies to your practice.

Rating Scale: 3 = Consistently 2 = Sometimes 1 = Rarely

Key Characteristics

Practice Rating

Effective scheduling templates are used by the team and allow for same-day treatment.
Staffing challenges are addressed proactively.
The perio program is healthy and treatment is being diagnosed, performed, and coded properly.
Patient communication reflects consistency, confidence, and care, especially when having difficult conversations.
Effective morning huddles, team meetings, and patient handoffs occur regularly.
Ongoing feedback and effective coaching are provided to team members.
An engaging social media presence, effective review requests, and a strong website are active elements of the practice marketing plan.
Recare and attrition from the practice are monitored and addressed effectively.
Each team member builds value in the current and next appointment for each patient.
Fees are regularly increased and balanced. PPO contracts are evaluated and re-negotiated on a timely basis.


How did your practice do? If even one of these is an issue, it is negatively impacting your practice’s performance. Many offices we work with aren’t aware of some of these issues until we complete an analysis. Objectively seeing how your practice stacks up is a great first step. As always – we are here to help support you and your team with targeted resources and support at no charge to you, as a valued Burkhart client.


Your success is our success. Please reach out to us anytime.
Learn more, visit the Practice Support Team page, call 1.800.665.5323 or email us at

Burkhart Dental Supply – Practice Support Team


Category: Practice Consulting

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